When Buddha Zhen studied Shaolin Gongfu in the eighties, none of the Chinese schools had a Belt Rank System.
There was an understanding of levels based upon the Buddhist Temple Monk system of training.
- First, you were an INITIATE student. You proved your worthiness to be accepted by the school.
- After your initiation you were a NOVICE student or BEGINNER.
- Those who completed all the basics, similar to elementary school were graduated to INTERMEDIATE level students where more complicated information and techniques were taught.
- Most Monks and students probably got stuck in the intermediate level which required more self-discipline and self-motivation to graduate from to the ADVANCED level where the monks were refined into shiny gems.
- Some monks were happy to remain in the monasteries and temples their entire lives just as most people are content to live in their homes, traveling rarely on vacations or family emergencies. Those monks who yearned for more adventure or burned with a desire to serve humanity, left the temples to become DISCIPLES of Shaolin. These Priests (Monks are Priests in a monastery) became the "Master Fathers" who would help individuals, guide families, and counsel government officials.
- Those few Disciples, who became teachers, at the monastery or elsewhere, became the SHIFU ("Master Fathers") of all their students. Just like your birth-father, the Shifu takes great responsibility in training-raising their students into Buddhas.
Buddha Zhen Shen-Lang used this basic outline as the structure of the Belt Ranking and curriculums of Shaolin Chi Mantis.
Based upon his own training and the awareness of how certain weapons, Hand Forms, and lessons were appropriate for specific student levels, the 7-Year Curriculum Poster of Shaolin Chi Mantis was created.
For an accurate view of the lessons taught in each level, study the 7-Year Curriculum of SCM.